Find Block Size with vscsiStats and Other Storage Statistics.

Ever wonder what block sizes your VM’s are using for writing and reading to disk?  I always have and I recently found a way to get this information out of the ESXi hypervisor.  You can also get a lot of other data such as random and sequential writes, latency, and a few other items.

  1.  Connect to the host with SSH.
  2. Enter the command “vsciStats -l” This will list all the VM’s on that host and its disk.
  3. vsciStats -s will start that stats collection.  You can pair this down by using the -w for the world group id and -i for handle id.
  4. vsciStats -p ioLength -w 123456 would display the block sizes for that particular VM and drives.
  5. -h will give you a list of all the possible variables to use.

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